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Well maybe somewhere in the world there are some weird hybrids formed by insane scientists, but I'm 99% sure that Max and the flock are real. But who knows? You might seem them flying around somewhere :) In some cases scientists are working on merging human and animal any thing is possible To add to it I saw a flock of six fly over my nieghborhood and I think it was them!!!

Acuatly its very true I've watched and read a few things on line about this and yep it's true they have grafted avian DNA to human emberos O.o who knows maybe they are out there

It could be true that there are hybrids out there like Max and the flock but, Maximum Ride is a fictional character. So no, Maximum Ride is NOT real but, there could be people like her.

I'm sorry to say this but...maximum ride and her family are not real.

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Q: Is Maximum Ride real
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Where and when will the Maximum Ride auditions be held?

theyre not, but you can post an audition video on youtube, facebook's maximum ride page, or the maxdanwiz page, like many ohers

What audition information is there for the first Maximum Ride movie 'The Angel Experiment'?

Where do you go for the Maximum Ride movie auditions?


Will Alex Pettyfer play Iggy in Maximum Ride?

No, Iggy is played by Zayne Emory.

Where are the auditions for Maximum Ride being held?

honestly, maximum ride auditions arent being held yet- the casting director hasnt been picked. but for a really good advantage, post an audition video on youtube or facebook on the maximum ride page. people are already doing this, seriously. you could also post an audition video on the maxdanwiz page, many people do that too. good luck!!

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Is there a real trailer for the Maximum Ride movie?

not yet since, the movie is not out.

What is going to be the real cast for Maximum Ride the movie?

No one has been cast yet.

Is the book Maximum Ride a true story?

no but i wish it were true that bird kids are real

Are the characters in Maximum Ride real?

No, unfortunately they are not. The author of the novels, James Patterson, created them.

Are the Maximum Ride characters real?

No, the Maximum Ride characters are fictional and do not exist in reality. They are creations of the author James Patterson for his young adult novel series.

Where can you find the real Maximum Ride trailer? believe this is the real page but i am not for sure

What are the 8 titles of Maximum Ride novels?

Maximum Ride: The angel experiment Maximum Ride: School's out forever Maximum Ride: Saving the world and other extreme sports Maximum Ride: Final warning Maximum Ride: Max Maximum Ride: Fang Maximum Ride: Angel Maximum Ride: Nevermore

Whats the name of the Fourth Maximum Ride book?

The name of the forth maximum ride is: Maximum Ride: The Final Warning

What is the name for the ''Maximum Ride'' movie?

Movie 1: Maximum Ride: The Fugitives Movie 2: Maximum Ride: The Protectors

What is the song Dylan sings in the Maximum Ride book Fang?

In the book "Fang" from the Maximum Ride series, Dylan sings the song "Mr. Tambourine Man" by Bob Dylan.