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Mercury does not have an atmosphere.

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What is The dominant gas in mercurys atmosphere?

By volume, they are oxygen and sodium.

What is mercurys atmosphere'?

it is made of small amounts hydrogen helium and oxygen. it has almost no atmosphere because of the planets gravity.

How does mercurys atmosphere affect mercury?

it makes it very hot and oncreases the amount of radiation

What is mercurys climate?

Mercury has no climate since it has no substantial atmosphere.

What does Mercurys atmosphere cause?

Mercury has virtually no atmosphere due to its proximity to the Sun and its relatively low gravitational attraction force

What is mercurys period number?

mercurys period number is 80

When was Toledo Mercurys created?

Toledo Mercurys was created in 1947.

When did Toledo Mercurys end?

Toledo Mercurys ended in 1962.

What gasses are in mercurys atmosphere?

Molecular oxygen, sodium, hydrogen, helium, potassium, argon, nitrogen, carbon dioxide, water vapor, xenon, krypton, & neon

What is mercurys surface material?

mercurys surface material is made out of nothing but craters

What is the planet mercurys atmosphere made of?

Mercury has a surface pressure that is near enough zero (or a vacuum), the planet holds no real atmosphere due to its small size. There are some trace gases at the surface, but not what one would call a proper atmosphere.

What is the Mercurys atmosphere compared to earth?

Mercury's atmosphere is extremely thin compared to Earth's. It is composed mostly of oxygen, sodium, hydrogen, helium, and potassium, but its overall density is about 100 trillion times less than Earth's atmosphere. Mercury's weak gravity isn't strong enough to retain a thick atmosphere like Earth's.