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Methane is a compound, not an element. It is a minor component, accounting for only 0.00018% of our atmosphere.

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Q: Is Methane a natural element that makes up the earth's atmoshpere?
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What is the definition of physical systems?

a physical system is a natural resource that is on earths atmoshpere

Which is larger our astmoshpere or earths layers?

The layers of the earth are larger than out atmoshpere.

Can a bullet reach the earths atmoshpere?

It doesn't need to. We are already in Earth's atmosphere.

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The Troposphere is the lowest level of Earth's Atmosphere.

Where can the colorless and odorless gass methane be found?

Colorless and Odorless gas methane can be found in the Earths atmosphere it said that it is fairly potent. Natural methane has no smell, methane smells because of additives such as methanethiol to alert people of gas leaks.

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Gasses found in Earths atmosphere.

Does Venus have an atmoshpere?

Yes, an incredibly dense one. Mainly of carbon dioxide it is about 90 time more dense than the Earths atmosphere.

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Drag from air is the main thing that slows down the space shuttle on reentry.

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The element carbon is not found in large quantities in Earths mantle.

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What gas do scientist think was missing from earths early atmosphere?

Methane gas