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Molluscum contagiosum is caused by a virus and usually causes a mild skin disease. The virus affects only the outer (epithelial) layer of skin and does not circulate throughout the body in healthy people.

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Where can I find a diet for molluscum contagiosum?

The following site will provide good information on a diet for molluscum contagiosum at the following ... skin az list molluscum contagiosum index

What are the most common treatments for molluscum contagiosum?

Molluscum Contagiosum is treatable by freezing, creams. viable information can be found on the NHS website also any pharmasist should be able to perscibe a cream for Molluscum Contagiosum.

Is molluscum contagiosum contagious?

Molluscum contagiosum is contagious, ie. it can spread easily from person to person, but you're not guaranteed to catch it from an affected person. More information can be found at these sites.

Can Molluscum Contagiosum be treated with diet?

Unfortunately, diet does not have any influence on Molluscum Contagiosum. You will likely have better results at remover warts with a liquid wart remover.

What are the visual characteristics of Molluscum Contagiosum?

The molluscum contagiosum is suppose to look like a long tube stretched out and the colors may vary depending on which one you are looking at. Hope this helps.

What is the best diet for molluscum contagiosum?

Not to fear, you can continue eating whatever you would like, since you do not have to change anything in your diet. Your diet does not affect molluscum contagiosum in any way.

How do you know if you have Molluscum Contagiosum?

Signs of molluscum are white bumps with a central depression. These are usually found in groups.

Where can I find more information on how to cure molluscum contagiosum?

It's always worth getting a doctor's opinion on a skin condition, just in case, but here are some sites that provide information on Molluscum Contagiosum. They may help you to cure this problem.

How are smallpox virus and molluscum contagiosum related?

Both smallpox and molluscum are caused by pox viruses. Smallpox is lifethreatening, while molluscum is benign.

Where can I view pictures of molluscum contagiosum?

You can easily find pictures of molluscum contagiosum online. Several sites that have pictures include: and

Website pictures of molluscum contagiosum? Here is a site dedicated to molluscum contagiosum pictures. You good also go on image sites like deviantart and look for some more.

Pictures of molluscum contagiosum to help identify?

Pictures of molluscum contagiosum can be found in various medical and health websites such as,, and Often the pictures can be clicked on to be enlarged, and can be printed if required.