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Q: Is Mumbai south west east or north of India?
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Where in India is Mumbai located?

18 degrees 15' North - Latitude 72 degrees 54' East - Longitude i think.....

What are the functional regions of India?

The five regions of India are: North India Northeast India East India South India West India

What is true about India?

To the north of India there is Land, to the south, east and west of india there is Ocean.

India north to south length?

The north-south length of India is approximately 3,214 kilometers (1,997 miles), stretching from the Himalayan mountains in the north to Kanyakumari, the southernmost tip of the Indian subcontinent.

Where is bangladash?

Its in South Asia. Bordered by India on West, North; on the East India, Myanmar, On the South Bay of Bengal.

What country is east Pakistan but West North and South India?

The country Bangladesh is also known as East Pakistan and is surrounded by India at its north, west and southern sides.

Name the neighboring countries of Pakistan?

Pakistan is bordered by India to the east, Iran and Afghanistan to the west and China in the north. To the south is the Arabian Sea.

What two coutries boder Nepal?

India and China. China is in the north. India is in East, west and south.

Where in India is chandipur?

Chandipu is a city in north east India, on the Bay of Bengal, south of the country of Bangladesh

Is Gujarat in the South of India?

Gujarat;one of the leading states of the country is located in the western part of the country; flanked by Maharshtra in the South, Rajasthan in the north and Madhya Pradesh to the east.

What is the postalcode for India?

India's postal code is a 6 digit numerical code ... The first digit denotes region (north , north-east , south etc .)it can be between 1 and 7 .. other digits just zoom in from there ... Delhi - 100001 or 100231, mumbai - 400001 or 401232 ,Chennai = 600001 , etc

Is there 16 directions i n a compass?

Going clockwise, the 16 directions are... North North North East North East East North East East East South East South East South South East South South South West South West West South West West West North West North West North North West ...and back to North again.