

Is Mythbusters needle in a hay stack on Netflix?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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Yes, its in season 3 -exploding house

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Q: Is Mythbusters needle in a hay stack on Netflix?
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How do you find a needle in a hay stack?

To find a needle in a haystack, you can use a magnet to attract the metal needle if it's made of steel. Another way is to slowly sift through the haystack carefully, separating the hay to visually identify the needle. Using a metal detector could also help locate the needle among the hay.

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Getting a shiny egg is like getting a needle in a hay stack.

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Finding a shiny is like finding a needle in a hay stack. See related links for a guide.

What is a support for a hay stack called?

the support for a stack of hay

What do you call a bunch of hay?

A hay stack

What figure of speech is the example It was like looking for a needle in a hay stack?

"It was like looking for a needle in a hay stack" is an example of a simile. A simile uses "like" or "as" to describe a situation, event, personality. Other examples of similes are:He is as slow as molasses in January.She could run like the wind.It's as hot as a furnace.He goes through money like there's a hole in his pocket.

When was Needle in the Hay created?

Needle in the Hay was created on 1995-07-21.

What has the author Raymond C Stack written?

Raymond C. Stack has written: 'Marketing Montana hay' -- subject- s -: Hay trade, Statistics, Hay

Where is the hay stack in Panfu?

the hay stack in panfu is in the hey barn at the pony stable on your map. hope i helped x

How do you find a niddle in a hay stack?

well first u need a metal detectorthen u need thick glovesnow u turn on metal detector and surch stack till find the needlewith the gloves on pick up the needle

What was little boy blue doing under a hay stack?

He was asleep in the hay.

When did pierced ears become popular?

Pierced ears have been popular in dozens of cultures for hundreds of years. Trying to zero in on an exact time and place would be like finding a needle in a hay stack.