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Q: Is NHS British
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What is healthcare and NHS?

The NHS is the National Health Service which provides free health care (to some extent) to all British Citizens.

What is the British Medical System called?

National Health Service (NHS)

What is the name of the British Healthcare System?

It is the "National Health Service" (or NHS)

What do the letters NHS mean?

In the United Kingdom, NHS stands for National Health Service.They are government owned health providers and hospitals which provide free healthcare to British citizens (including English, Scottish, Welsh, Northern Irish and overseas British territories).The NHS is paid for through public British taxes. For that reason, foreign nationals cannot receive free healthcare (as of 2014) in the UK unless they have health insurance because they do not pay British taxes.

What are the requirements to get NHS email?

NHS email is the national email and directory service available to NHS staff in England and Scotland. The requirements to get an NHS email include being an employee working for NHS.

Was NHS in the 1930?

No. The NHS was inaugurated in 1948

Can you get implants on the nhs?

can you get tooth implants on the nhs?

The date the NHS was formed?

The British National Health Service (NHS) was established by legislation 5th July 1948. Who started the NHS? The NHS was one of the consequences of the Beveridge report written in 1942. It's aim was to build a better nation and pushed for a welfare state. When the Labour party came into government after WWII, they used the report to create the welfare state still familiar toady. This included the formation of the NHS.

How many nhs are there in Scotland?

There are 14 nhs in Scotland.

What is the religan side of the nhs?

The NHS is non-denominational.