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Neon, argon, and oxygen are all different elements. They are not synonymous in any way.

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Is the electron arrangement in a sodium ion similar to neon or argon?

Na+ and neon are isoelectronic.

What is the formula for argon and sodium?

Argon is ar and sodium is na.

What is the chemical formula for sodium argon?

Sodium has the synbol Na and argon Ar.

Is the electron arrangement in a ion similar to neon or argon?

Na+ and neon are isoelectronic.

What is the same electron configuration negative ion as neon?

Sodium Magnesium Aluminium Silicon Phosphorus Sulphur Chlorine All the above seven elements have same core-electron configuration as that of neon.

What are the first 20 elements on the periodic table?

Hydrogen (H)Helium (He)Lithium (Li)Beryllium (Be)Boron (B)Carbon (C)Nitrogen (N)Oxygen (O)Fluorine (F)Neon (Ne)Sodium (Na)Magnesium (Mg)Aluminium (Al)Silicon (Si)Phosphorous (P)Sulphur (S)Chlorine (Cl)Argon (Ar)Potassium (K)Calcium (Ca)

Is the electron arrangement in a sodium ion similar to neon?

Na+ ion and neon are isoelectronic.

What noble gas has the same electron arrangement as sodium ion?

Neon has the same electron configuration as Na+ ion

What element has 10 protons 11 neutrons and 10 electrons?

See the periodic system. They are numbered according to the number of protons in the nucleus. So number 11 is Sodium. It was discovered in 1807 by Davy, who called it Sodium. In 1813 Berzelius called it Natrium, and gave it the symbol Na.

What is the alkali metal ion that would have neon as its noble gas configuration?

Sodium ion (Na+) and neon will have the same number of electrons

What element has the same chemical properties as neon?

Na (sodium) (2,8,1) if Na lose the outermost electron,it will be Na+ (2,8) like Ne (neon) (2,8) and Mg (magnesium) (2,8,2) if Mg lose the outer most electron, it will be Mg+2 (2,8) like Ne (2,8) and Al (aluminium) (2,8,3) if Al lose the outermost electron,it will be Al+3 (2,8) like Ne (2,8) .

Which of these can become stable by losing 1 electron calcium argon sodium nitrogen oxygen chlorine?

Sodium can become stable by losing 1 electron, forming a sodium ion with a 1+ charge, with the formula Na+. By losing its single valence electron, the resulting sodium ion achieves the noble gas configuration of neon, so that it has an octet (8) of valence electrons.