

Is Neptune made of methane

Updated: 8/18/2019
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11y ago

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Amongst other compositions, yes.

Neptune is mostly composed of hydrogen and helium. But there are also other compositions present such as methane, ammonia and water (in ice form).

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What is the atmosphere Neptune made of?

Hydrogen,Helium and Methane

What tipe of gas is Neptune made of?

neptune's atmosphere is mainly composed of nitrogen, helium, and methane.

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hydrogen,helium, and methane

Does neptune have an amosphere?

Yes made from Hydrogen, helium and Methane

What is Neptune atmosphere made of?

Neptune's atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium, and methane.

What type of gasses does neptune have?

Neptune is made up of a gas called Methane, which makes it the bluey colour. the core of Neptune is made out of hot melted rock, the top layer is made out of hydrogen and helium, with a little bit of Methane mixed into it.

What is the color of Neptunes clouds?

The clouds on Neptune are made of Methane, and appear to be Blue.

Planet which atmosphere is made of hydrogen hilum and methane?

Uranus and Neptune. (They may have traces of other gases.)

How much atmosphere does neptune have?

Neptune is a gas giant that is primarily made of a gaseous atmosphere. Neptune's atmosphere is hydrogen and helium, with some water, ammonia and methane.

Is Neptune's atmosphere yellow?

No, most of Neptune's atmosphere is made of hydrogen, but there are other things including some methane. It is the methane which gives Neptune its color. The color is not yellow, but blue. The same with Uranus.

What is Neptune made of?

Neptune consists primarily of 80% hydrogen and 19% helium. In smaller amounts, it also consists of water, methane, ammonia, and other compounds that can form ice in our solar system's temperatures. Neptune is classified as an ice giant planet, mainly made of the ice-forming molecules water, ammonia, and methane as a liquid mixture above what is thought to be a rocky core. Its atmosphere is mainly hydrogen and helium, along with methane gas that gives the planet a blue-green color

Why did planet Neptune called a blue planet?

Neptune's atmosphere is made up of hydrogen, helium and methane. The methane in Neptune's upper atmosphere absorbs the red light from the sun but reflects the blue light from the sun back into space. This is why Neptune appears blue.