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That is merely an opinionated question. Many people have different opinions on Niagara falls.

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Q: Is Niagara Falls as pretty as people say it is?
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How do you say Niagara falls in French?

Niagara falls are "les chutes du Niagara" in French.

What is one of the major cities near the Niagara Falls?

Personally, I would have to say Welland, Ontario.......if you're talking about the Canadian Niagara Falls. If you're talking about the American Niagara Falls, then I would have to say Buffalo, New York

In what countries can you visit niagara falls?

Niagara Falls is along hte USA / Canada border and has a presence on either side. Most people say the Canadian side is the better view.

What region is Niagara Falls located?

Niagara Falls is a waterfall on the Niagara River in North America. The Niagara River flows along the Canada-United States international boundary from Lake Erie into Lake Ontario. The cities of Niagara Falls, Ontario, and Niagara Falls, New York, are on opposite sides of the river at the waterfall. The co-ordinates are 43.080°N 79.071°W

Who created the niagara falls?

Nothing created Niagara Falls, unless you would include water forming the rocks into a waterfall. If you were talking about the name, some people say the falls were named after a native in the area called the "Niagagarega."

What two countries border Niagara Falls?

It is incorrect to say that Niagara Falls "borders" any countries. The falls at Niagara are not a separate political entity. As such, the falls are not capable of having a border. Neither, for that matter, are the falls themselves the border between Canada and the US. The International Boundary between Canada and the US runs through the Niagara River, including over the falls.

What is the exact longitude and ladtitude of Niagara Falls?

The falls are very large and so cover a latitudinal/longitudinal range. But if you consider the the southern/center point of the edge of the falls to represent its location, you can say that Niagara Falls is at 43o4'38" North latitude and 79o4'31" West longitude.

How far is ancaster CA from Niagara Falls?

Ill Say About 1000 Miles

Why do they say that Niagara falls moves?

Because over the years the water erodes the rocks that the water fall flows over therefore the falls are moving backwards!

How many tourists visit niagara falls each month?

it deepens on the weather but i would say about 1 million

What is the Niagara Falls shaped like?

Niagara falls is a wonderfull vacation spot where you can look at its pandimonium in the water fall. You can also take a boat and wear a poncho to get a closer look at the falls. This boat will take you underneath the falls! Make sure you bring a waterproof camera! Did you ever see Niagara falls at night? It is beautiful! People put special lights on that make it look like a rainbow. If you go near the edge of the ramp there is a lot of steam from the water hitting the bottom. Did you know that Niagara falls is 176 feet high and the length of the brink is 1060 feet wide?! But don't get so exited now because the other part of it which we call the 'Horeshoe' (because it is shaped like one) is 167 feet high, but the length of the brink is 2600 feet wide?!!!!! Anyway niagara falls is a great place to go for vacation because there is a tower you can go in that gives you a clear veiw of it. Don't forget to take your camera! Oh, and i almost forgot about the Niagara falls center! Get in line to take a picture with a white wall behind you, but when you go to pick it up you can choose your backround out of three Niagara fall pictures! Sooo....Where did you say you were going for a HONEYMOON!!!

How fast is Niagara falls moving backwards?

It does not run backwards! I should know since I've lived here for upwards of 49 years.The comment about Niagara Falls running backwards was made by Oscar Wilde, who said, "It would be much more interesting if the Falls ran backwards."But, just because Oscar Wilde said it, doesn't make it so!