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Q: Is No new matter is created when physical change?
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Difference between physical and chemical change?

physical change is a change in matter in which no new substance is formed Chemical change is a change in matter in which new substance is formed

A description physical change?

a physical change is when the shape/ state of matter is changed and no new matter is produced

Chemicel and physical change of matter?

A chemical change in matter produces a new substance. A physical change, on the other hand, only alters the state or phase of matter without producing a new substance.

What is the type of matter change in which matter stays the same and no new substances are formed?

In physical change, matter stays the same and its chemical structure is unaffected. However, it's physical look is changed.No new compound is formed in a physical change.

The change in which no new kinds of matter are formed but the size shape or state of the matter may change?

The change in which no new kinds of matter are formed but the size, shape or state of the matter may change is known as a physical change.

What is type of change that doesnt involve the formation of a new kind of matter?

physical change

What is a property of matter that doesnt change a substance into a new substance?

Physical property of matter

A change in matter that does not produce a new and different Substance?

a physical change ex. change in state

What is a type of change that doesnt involve the formation of a new kind of matter?

This is a physical change

New substance are always fomed when matter undergoes a?

physical change

What change is involved when only change in form occur and no new matter is formed?

that is called a physical change.

Change where no new substance is formed?

The states of matter are solid, liquid and gas (plus some other exotic ones), and a change of state from one to another does not involve creation of a new substance. When water boils, it turns to steam (the vapor phase of water as it completes its transition into a gas). But it's still water. When it freezes and turns to ice, it remains water. No new substance is created.