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Choosing not to socialise can be a feature of autism. Autistic people are not anti-social but struggle with social interaction so may avoid being social or may be excluded socially. Some autistic people are very social but can only cope with short periods of time intracting with others socially because it is a lot of work to be social and being social on top of coping with other issues.

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Q: Is Not Socializing with others part of autism?
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Taking, Socializing are two words for interacting. You can interact with others to make friends.

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Absolutely not, autism is a neuro-biological disorder that a person is born with. It is a neurological difference, meaning those born with autism, have brains that function differently that those who do not have autism. You cannot "catch" autism from others.

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Some are while others are not. They vary, as does the entire population.Comment:I know a 20 year old boy with autism who is overweight.

When should Autism be capitalized?

Autism should be capitalized when referring to the disorder or condition itself, but not when used in a general sense (e.g., "children with autism" vs. "autism spectrum disorder").

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Scientests Or Others Don't Know How It Happens, However, The Signs Of Autism Would Probably Happen BEFORE, A Child Turns 3.

Who is the youngest person with autism?

Autism has a genetic component, so people can be born with it. Others are born with a susceptibility to autism that is probably triggered by an environmental factor. So, there are newborns with autism. Usually, autism is not diagnosed until age 2 or 3, but some cases are diagnosed earlier, and some are not identified until much later.