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Yes. Odysseus represents the epitome of humanity so while exhibiting all the exaggerated great traits such as cunning and strength, he also has a large ego. He represents the humanity's lack of humility.

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Q: Is Odysseus arrogant towards gods
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What role do the gods play in The Odyssey?

The gods, are pretty much, the fate holders. Gods are known to be arrogant, so it is always best to remain in their favor. Odysseus, in the first part of the Odyssey, upsets Poseidon, so the whole time Poseidon is trying to prevent Odysseus from going home. (He eventually makes it though.)

What god is trying to prevent Odysseus from getting home?

Poseidon, the god of the seas, is trying to prevent Odysseus from getting home because Odysseus blinded the Cyclops Polyphemus, who is Poseidon's son. Poseidon holds a grudge against Odysseus for this act of cunning.

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They are"arrogant" Depending on your attitude towards them.

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an arrogant person is one. Who is not respectful towards others.

Which inference about Odysseus is best supported by this excerpt?

He is arrogant about his achievements.

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Antinous, one of the suitors, scorns Odysseus when he sees him in the great hall of his home. Antinous insults Odysseus and throws a stool at him, displaying his disrespectful and arrogant behavior towards the returning king.

How does Odysseus show respect for the gods in the Odyssey?

In the Odyssey, Odysseus shows respect for the gods by making sacrifices and offerings to them, following their guidance and advice, and acknowledging their power and influence over his destiny. He prays to the gods for help and guidance on his journey home, and he honors them by obeying their commands and rituals.

The struggle between Odysseus and the suitors the gods appear to?

In the struggle between Odysseus and the suitors, the gods appear to favor Odysseus. Athena, in particular, helps Odysseus by guiding him and aiding in his plans to defeat the suitors. The intervention of the gods ensures Odysseus's ultimate triumph over his enemies.

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What is Odysseus' view of the gods?

He respects them