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Nope hes nose is fine how it is.

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Q: Is Pete Wentz really going to get a nose job?
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Who talks at the end of 20 dollar nose bleed?

Pete Wentz. Bassist of fall out boy. <3

Is there anyone who would love you for your long nose?

Of course if he or she really love you they would accept your long nose they are going to accept who you really are. ;)

How do you know if he's going to kiss you?

he will lean in really close to your face maybe even nose to nose then he will push his chin forward. just go with the flow and kiss him back!

How do you use knows and nose in a sentence?

The next time he see you, he knows he is going to break your nose. Or Johnny knows, that Will is very sure that he is going to break his nose.

What is a snouzer?

I heard that was a nose. o__o; A really big nose.

What shape of nose does a nose piercing fit best?

any nose, really. unless you have a flat, wide nose.

What is a nose plug for swimming?

It is like a clip for your nose. It is used by swimmers. It prevents water from going up the nose.

What will ice cream taste like if you put it up your nose?

It will taste like nothing. Since it's going up your nose... it's just going to make you nose cold!

Does getting your nose pierced with a stud hurt?

no only if your nose is really sensitive

What the expression is for follow his nose?

Follow your nose means to go straight ahead. Your nose leads you regardless of where you're going.

Why is it that you can look at your nose but not away from it?

well, if you look up, you're not really looking at your nose.......