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Q: Is Photosynthesis a major source of carbon in your diet in the carbon cycle?
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Related questions

How is solar energy related to the carbon cycle?

it provides the energy for photosynthesis, a major factor in the carbon cycle

What is the major consequence of photorespiration?

it lowers the efficiency of photosynthesis by removing carbon molecules from the Calvin cycle.

What is the major driving force of the oxygen cycle?

the main two processes are plant photosynthesis, which takes carbon dioxide out of the air, and plant and animal respiration which put carbon dioxide back into the air.

Which atmosphere gas is photosynthesis the major source of?


What are the 3 major steps of photosynthesis?

The whole process of photosynthesis is not divided into 3, but into 2 steps - light and dark reactions.The dark reactions are also known as the dark phase of photosynthesis and this dark phase is divided into 3 steps.Actually the dark phase is the Calvin cycle which is composed of these 3 major steps: 1. Carbon (or Carbon Dioxide - CO2) fixation 2. Reduction 3. Regeneration (of Ribulose)

The carbon cycle is an example of an?

The carbon cycle is an example of a biogeochemical cycle. It causes many geological changes such as major releases of carbon dioxide from oceans and volcanic eruptions.

What are the two major processes that involve carbon and oxygen?

Photosynthesis and respiration

What are the two major life that involves carbon and oxygen?

Photosynthesis and respiration

What is the major process which adds CO2 to the atmosphere?

Photosynthesis is a process that removes co2 from the atmosphere.

The two major sets of reactions involved in photosynthesis are?

Light Reactions and the Calvin Cycle Reactions.

Where does the majority of the mass of a plant come from?

believe it or not it actually comes from carbon dioxide. the carbon molecules from the carbon dioxide are fixed in the plant in part of photosynthesis called the Calvin cycle. If you want to see this for yourself there is actually a video online as well asking the same questions to Harvard grads and watching their reactions when they learn the truth. Source: Georgetown University Biology Major

What is the largest carbon store found on earth?

The abundance of plants and the fact that they take in so much Carbon Dioxide for photosynthesis makes plants a major reservoir for carbon. Sedimentary rock comprises the largest single reservoir in the carbon cycle. The world's oceans are the second-largest reservoir in the carbon cycle.