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Q: Is Planet Mercury dangerous for humans to land on?
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Who was the first to land on planet Mercury?

No human con go to the Planet Mercury because it is too hot.

If you land on the closest planet to the sun where are you?

Mercury .

Has there been any space mission to Mercury?

There were 2 space probes sent to orbit Mercury: Mariner 10 and Messenger. Both attained orbit and sent back information about the planet to Earth. Mariner 10 ran out of energy to send back signals to Earth, but, it is probably still in orbit. Messenger began it's mission earlier in 2011 and is still working, sending information back to Earth. Since rocket power would be needed to land a spacecraft on Mercury, (the planet has almost no atmosphere), there are no plans to land a vehicle on the planet, as it would take too much fuel than we can afford to put into spacecraft at this time. It's too expensive to send an unmanned vehicle that can safety land on Mercury. It's far too dangerous to send humans to Mercury and it will probably never, ever happen in the future.

Is it possible for humans to live on planet Uranus?

No, because Uranus is a gaseous planet, which means it has no surface. Nowhere to land a spacecraft.

Why does mercury resemble our Moon's surface?

becuause it has to be a moons becaause long ago the a metior crashes into the planet mercury and a small piece of that planet came off the planet and the mercury and it land next to the earth floating in zero gravity then because of the heat in the mercuru piece te piece expanded to become the moon

Has anyone landed on the planet Mercury?

Nothing so far, has landed on the planet of Mercury. The atmosphere of Mercury is filled with too many harmful gases to be safe for anything to land on the surface. There have been pictures from the Hubble Telescope, though, and other data gathered from a distance.

Which planet would be impossible for humans to land on and why?

It would be impossible to land on Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, or Neptune because none of these planets have definite surfaces.

Are land snails dangerous to people?

Conus snails are venomous and capable of stinging humans. The species that is most dangerous to humans are the larger ones.

What other planets have you humans sent space probes to?

If by humans visiting you mean , Which planet's have had humans land on that planet the answer is none. The only other place in space that humans have visited is the moon.

Did the project mercury missions land on mercury or just fly past it?

We have sent probes that have flown past Saturn. The Cassini space probe is currently in orbit around the planet. It is impossible to land anything on Saturn because it does not have a surface. We have, however, landed a probe on Titan, Saturn's largest moon.

What is the most dangerous land predator?

Humans are the most devastating, by far. E.g. Devon 'Shark Attack' Endersby.

What is a dangerous land animal?

poison dart frogs, koalas (i know they look SO cuddly but are vicious!), most snakes, but most of all humans destroyed everything when they came except for god. He is a peaceful man. SO BE NICE TO EARTH AND STAY AWAY FROM POISON DART FROGS CUZ THEY ARE THE MOST DANGEROUS ANIMAL ON THE PLANET.