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A pulmonary embolism is also characterized as central or peripheral, depending on the location or the arterial branch involved. Central vascular zones include the main pulmonary artery, the left and right main pulmonary arteries, the anterior trunk, the right and left interlobar arteries, the left upper lobe trunk, the right middle lobe artery, and the right and left lower lobe arteries.

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Q: Is Pulmonary Embolism the same as Pulmonary Hypertension?
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What is the difference between cor pulmonale and pulmonary embolism?

A pulmonary embolism is a tissue fragment (part of a blood clot, fat, amniotic fluid, part of a tumour or bullet fragment) that became loose in the blood stream and was carried by the blood stream to a different location. A pulmonary embolism is, in most cases, a thromboembolism (part of a blood clot), which is carried from the deep veins of the legs or the pevis. It travels up the blood stream, through the inferior vena cava, into the heart, and subsequently into the pulmonary artery. In the pulmonary artery, it arrests, forming a potentially life threating occlusion. Cor pulmonale is hypertrophy of the right ventricle due to chronic pulmonary hypertension. The pulmonay hypertension means that the right ventricle has to pump blood with greater force, causing its muscle to hypertrophy (enlarge in size). Therefore, to summarize, a pulmonary embolism is an obstruction of pulmonary blood flow while cor pulmonale is the morphological change of the right ventricle due to pulmonary hypertension.

What is a saddle pulmonary embolism?

A saddle pulmonary embolism is an occlusion of the left and right portion of the pulmonary artery

What are some compilcations of pulmonary embolism?

The biggest risk of a Pulmonary Embolism (PE) is that the person suffering may die. The biggest risk of a Pulmonary Embolism (PE) is that the person suffering may die.

What are the treatments of a pulmonary embolism?

The main treatments of a pulmonary embolism are anticoagulant therapy, oxygen and analgesia treatments. Most of the patients are admitted to the hospital in early stages of pulmonary embolisms.

Are hypertension and pulmonary hypertension the same?

Postural means standing. Hypertension means high blood pressure and hypotension is low blood pressure. You get a different reading if you are sitting versus standing while taking blood pressure.

What is a sudden blockage of a pulmonary artery by foreign matter?

Pulmonary Embolism

Is autopsy a sure diagnosis of pulmonary embolism?


Blockage of pulmonary blood flow by a clot or similar obstruction is?

pulmonary embolism

Is the blockage of a vessel by an embolus an embolism?

Yes, an embolism is the sudden blockage of a blood vessel by an embolus. The embolism is often named for the causative factor, such as an air embolism or a fat embolism or its location, such as pulmonary embolism.

Jugular vein distention is associated with?

right-sided heart failure, when the right ventricle is hypertrophied or dilated which is secondary to pulmonary hypertension (usu. d/t pulmonary embolism in acute cor pulmonale, but d/t COPD in chronic cor pulmonale)

Why does Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension develop?

Some common causes are: Sleep apnea Emphysema Some people develop pulmonary hypertension without there being an obvious cause. This is called Idiopathic Pulmonary Hypertension.

Can you have a pulmonary embolism 24 hours ago and not get treatment?

I guess so it would depend on how severe the embolism was. There is a wikipedia article about pulmonary embolism it talks about untreated embolism so I would say it is possible. Click on the related link below to go to the wiki page.