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Yes, radio waves have a longer wavelength than visible light. They are part of the electromagnetic spectrum.

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ALL other electromagnetic waves that have popular names, such as light,

X-rays, and gamma rays, have wavelengths shorter than radio waves.

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13y ago

No, is longer.

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Q: Is Radio waves are shorter than waves of visible light?
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Are infrared rays electromagnet waves that are longer than radio waves but shorter than visible light rays?

Infrared waves are shorter than radio waves and longer than visible light waves.

Infrared rays are electromagnetic waves that are longer than radio waves but shorter than visible rays?

Infrared waves are shorter than radio waves and longer than visible light waves.

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Radio and microwaves are longer than visible light. So are heat (infrared) waves. Ultraviolet waves are shorter than visible light. So are X-rays and gamma rays.

What wavelengths are longer than light but shorter than radio waves?

Infrared light, microwaves and radio waves have wavelengths longer than visible light. Radio waves have the longest wavelength.

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X-rays have shorter wavelengths than radio, heat, infra-red, visible light, and ultra-violet.

Do radio waves microwaves and ultraviolet waves all have longer wavelength than visible light?

Radio and microwaves are longer than visible light. So are heat (infrared) waves. Ultraviolet waves are shorter than visible light. So are X-rays and gamma rays.

What has shorter wavelengths than infrared rays?

Ultraviolet rays have shorter wavelengths than infrared rays. Ultraviolet rays have wavelengths shorter than visible light, making them invisible to the human eye, while infrared rays have longer wavelengths.

Do radio wave microwave and ultraviolet waves all have longer wavelengths than visible light?

Radio and microwaves are longer than visible light. So are heat (infrared) waves. Ultraviolet waves are shorter than visible light. So are X-rays and gamma rays.

Do radio waves microwaves and ultraviolet waves all have longer wavelengths than visible lights?

Radio and microwaves are longer than visible light. So are heat (infrared) waves. Ultraviolet waves are shorter than visible light. So are X-rays and gamma rays.

What has longer wavelength radio waves or visible light?

Neither is nesesarily longer a wave can go on forever. Visible light is more reflective than infared light so it will last longer. If you are talking about wavelength, infared lights wavelength is longer.

Is it true visible light has a much shorter wave-length than radio and television waves?

Yes, that's exactly right.

Are Gamma rays and radio waves both higher frequency than human vision can detect?

No. Visible light is in between those particular forms of electromagnetic radiation. Radio waves are lower frequency (longer wavelength) than visible light. Gamma rays are higher frequency (shorter wavelength) than visible light.