

Is Sirius in Canis Major or Big dog?

Updated: 8/17/2019
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15y ago

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Yes Sirius is in Canis Major or Big Dog!! :-)

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Q: Is Sirius in Canis Major or Big dog?
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What is Sirius's Constellation?

Sirius = Alpha Canis Majoris. In other words, it is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major, or Big Dog.

What constellation is sirius from?

Sirius is the brightest star in Canis Major (the big dog).

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No. Sirius is part of Canis Major's nose. Winter triangle or the Big Dog.

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"Great dog" and "Lesser dog". Except in Latin, so it's Canis Major and Canis Minor.

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Canis Major, often called The Great Dog. Sirius is sometimes called The Dog Star.

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Canis Major, which is Latin for "Big Dog". The dog's bright eye is Sirius, the "Dog Star".

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== == Sirius is the Dog Star, the brightest star (after the sun) in the sky.

In which constellation is Sirus found?

Sirius is found in the Heart of Canis Major, the Big Dog - just south and east of Orion.

In what constellation is Sirius located?

Sirius is approximately 8.7 light-years away from Earth.In order to find Sirius in the night sky, find Orion's Belt, and follow its line of stars down to the left and you will find Sirius.

How did the constellation canis major get its name?

Canis Major means Big Dog and to the ancient civilisations it looked like a big dog.

Canis major got his name. how?

The Greeks thought the constellation Canis Major looked like a big dog so that's what they named it (Canis Major is Greek for "Big Dog.").

Which constellation was placed in the sky to honor Orion's hunting dog?

Canis Major (Greater Dog) and Canis Minor (Smaller Dog). The star Sirius is also associated with Orion as being his dog.