

Best Answer

Medications such as Oxycodone, Lortab, Vicodin, Norco, are special for all kinds of pain because opioids are constantly calming the pain of the disease Cancer findrxonline therefore suggested having the proper information, and thus grow among people the importance of providing help for those suffering from this disease.

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Q: Is Smoking Oxycontin have the same results in a drug tests as oraly taking Oxycontin?
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Why insulin does not take oraly?

Insulin is a protein. If taken orall, it will be digested.

What does oraly sex means?

Using your mouth and tongue on another persons genitals.

How do you use misoprostol 200 oraly?

Ask your doctor or if you don't have one, see womenonwaves.

Do-guys-like oraly copulating girls that have not showered or bathed?

yes they do it is good, i love it

Can you use Black Currant Seed Oil on hair?

Absolutely. Blackcurrant seed oil is high in Omega-3, which is a crutial part of stopping and reversing hair loss and dandruff. Blackcurrant seed oil should be taken in the pill form oraly twice daily. It will take approximatly 6 weeks to see results, but with Blackcurrant being high in Vitamin A and C and antioxidants, taking the supplement will have other amazing benefits including skin rejouvenation and boosted immune system.

How is nicotine used illegally?

If extracted from Smokes or chew it could be used as a leathal poisen. very low does if you extracted all the nicotine from one pack of smokes it would be enought to cause two liver failures. Oraly only Smoking a pack aday just makes you look cool Iread this in the anarcy cookbook long time ago *source*

Do people snort Nortriptyline?

I'm about to try.....yes but it tastes grosse when u get drips

What is Cialis Jelly where do you put it and does it come in peanut butter?

Cialis Jelly is a soft Tablet that is taken oraly, and it is absorbed through the stomach, into the bloodstream. No it does not come with Peanut Butter. But if the Marketing people at Lilly get wind of that they may steal your idea!

What percent of 66 is 16.5?

25% of 66 is 16.5 this can be calculate oraly by first clculating the 10% i.e. 6.6 this implies 20% become 13.2 nowwe need 3.3 more which is half of 6.6 .therefore total become 25%

Can you give shot form of penicillin oraly?

No. You should never use medicine in any other way except for the instructions of use given by the vet, or the instructions that come with the medication. Not using medication as stated can do far more harm than good.

Is it true suboxone is better taken sublinqually than oraly?

Yes. Much better, in fact. Buprenorphine has a much higher bioavailability sublingually than orally. You also have to consider the bioavailability of naloxone, which is almost nil sublingually. I don't know how much higher it is orally, but ideally, you want none of it.

How are kids taking vicodin?

They would NOT be fine from just one! If your infant takes Vicodin, call 911 and Poison Control IMMEDIATELY! They would become sleepy, have shallow breathing. They could go into a coma or stop breathing. If the Hydrocodone doesn't kill then, they could have SEVERE kidney problems from the Acetaminophen. I believe you are supposed to induce vomiting to get the pill out of their stomach, but don't take my word for it, do what 911 and Poison Control says.