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* The only difference is that Sprite is caffeine free. It is better for you. Also, it's clear and easier for your body to digest. * They are all 'empty' foods which do nothing for your health or nutrition. But they taste good if you like that sort of thing. Answer: I think it's not because it has no food coloring. I know the red food coloring in cherry flavored Rolaids has aluminum, which is an enemy of calcium. Some think aluminum contributes to Alzheimer's Disease.

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It's actually better for you because Coca-Cola and Pepsi can stain your teeth like coffee. Sprite's color is clear so it doesn't stain your teeth. In conclusion, Sprite is probably a better choice.

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Q: Is Sprite as bad for you as Pepsi and Coca Cola?
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KO, Coca Cola owns Sprite. If you buy coke, buy pepsi. If one does bad the other one will sky rocket. -Jim Cramer Mad Money

Is phenylalanine in Coca Cola Fanta or Sprite bad for your health?

Well its an essential amino acid, so your body needs it, and cannot make it by itself. So you would have to get it from somewhere. Probably Fanta and Coca Cola are bad for your health if you consume enough of it to give you the amount of phenylalanine you need daily though ;)

Why is Coca-Cola bad?

It contains crack.

Is it bad to chug coca cola?

no but it hurts.

Is too much Coca-Cola bad?

Very bad.

What bad things can happen to you if do Coca-Cola?

bad teeth

Coca cola project?

Coca cola was founded in a pharmacy and at first they put cocaine in it to make the addicting taste and that is why a nick for cocaine is coke, the same with Pepsi that was founded in a pharmacy. They had to take the cocaine out of the cola when they found that it was bad for you but the person working out the pharmacy got so many orders that hardly anyone noticed that the cocaine had gone. After that he created the business and that is when he called it coca cola.

Is mirinda haram or not?

If you mean Mirinda the soda then I don't think so. But what I do know that Coca Cola says bad stuff about the Prophet and Pepsi has a chemical of a pig that helps make it acidic.

Is coca cola bad food for flowers?

coca cola never rated high on good quality of nutrients for any living thing.

Which is better to drink Coca-Cola or water?

Water is a lot better for you and you need it to survive and coca cola is really bad for you and soda just hurts your body so water but every once in a while you can coca cola.

How does cola coca effects your body?

sugar and caffiene both bad for you

How is Coca-Cola bad?

Coca-Cola is a carbonated beverage that is also very abrasive to the stomch lining. Drinking too much soda can cause gastro-intestinal issues, as you get older. Also, Coca Cola has as much caffeine as a cup of instant coffee.. Coca Cola offers both diet and caffeine free..