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As far as I know, yes.

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Stephen King directed the movie "Maximum Overdrive," which was released in 1986.

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possibly wats it to ya

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Q: Which movie did Stephen King direct?
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What year did Stephen King direct it?

Stephen King did not direct the movie "It." The 2017 adaptation was directed by Andy Muschietti.

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The movie "Carrie", which was released in 1976, was directed by Brian De Palma.

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Stephen King did not appear in the movie Dreamcatcher.

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No, Stephen King did not appear in the movie "Big Driver." The film is based on a short story written by King, but he did not have a cameo or acting role in the movie.

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The Enya song "Boadicea" was featured in the Stephen King movie "Sleepwalkers" (1992).

Did Stephen King play a part in the movie bag of bones?

No, Stephen King did not have a role in the movie "Bag of Bones," but he did write the original novel on which the movie is based.

Which Stephen King movie is not based on a short story or a novel?

"Creepshow" is a Stephen King movie that is not based on a short story or a novel. It is an anthology horror film directed by George A. Romero and written by Stephen King.

Where does Stephen King appear in the movie dreamcatcher?

Stephen King appears in a cameo role in the film "Dreamcatcher" as a petrol pump owner. He has a brief scene with one of the main characters in the movie.

What year was Stephen King's Christine published?

All I know is that Stephen King's Christine the movie, was published in 1983.

In what movie did Stephen King play a minister?

Stephen King played a minister in the movie "Thinner" (1996), based on his novel of the same name.

Was Stephen King in the movie bag of bones?

No, Stephen King did not appear in the movie adaptation of his novel "Bag of Bones." However, the movie starred Pierce Brosnan in the lead role.