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Partly yes, and part open desert along with some jungle/bush

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Q: Is Sudan a Savannah
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Where is the Savannah desert in Africa?

The Savannah is not a desert but it is a cross between a desert and a grassland. It is south of the Sahara Desert and is in mid-central Africa. Nigeria, Central African Republic, and South Sudan are countries in the Savannah. It can be spelled "Savannah" or Savanna"

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Nigerian's vegetation ranges from tropics in the south to Savannah in the north.

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The most prominent climate zone in Ghana is the tropical rainforest climate, characterized by high temperatures and abundant rainfall throughout the year. The southern part of the country, including areas like Accra and Cape Coast, falls within this climate zone.

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Sudan is warmer than Switzerland

What country is directly north of Sudan?

If it is south Sudan then north Sudan but if it is north Sudan, It is Eygpt.

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Savannah Isla Savannah Esme Savannah Louise/louisa Savannah Violet Savannah Rose Savannah Belle

Why do only short grasses and a few trees grow in the Sudan type of climate?

The Savannah forms the transition between the dense forests of the Congo Basin and the scanty vegetation of the Sahara Desert. The small amount of rain in this region is not sufficient for tall trees to grow. Grass grows well here. Short trees are distributed across the Savannah.

Is Sudan bigger than Algeria?

Algeria is larger than Sudan, Considering the fact that Sudan has split into South Sudan and Sudan

What African country has split into two countries?

Sudan split into two countries in 2011 - Sudan and South Sudan. This separation was a result of a referendum held in South Sudan, leading to its independence from Sudan.

What is the capital of south Sudan(north)?

South Sudan is bordered by Sudan to the north. Khartoum is the capital and largest city of Sudan. Juba is the capital and largest city of the Republic of South Sudan. South Sudan is the world's newest country. South Sudan declared independence from Sudan on July 9, 2011.

When did Sudan become independent and from who?

Sudan gained its independence from the British.

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