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Yes it is fact the seventh day not the first day

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Q: Is Sunday the seventh day
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Does the fourth commandment mean Saturday or Sunday when it refers to the seventh day?

The Sabbath of the Bible is Saturday. Christians adopted Sunday as their holy day when their cult absorbed the sun-god Mithras, whose day is Sunday, naturally. Christianity also took the Nativity story and many other important images from Mithraism. The Bible did say that Saturday is the Sabbath not Sunday. It says so in the fourth commandment "remember the seventh day to keep it holy". And Saturday is the seventh day, not Sunday. God rested on the seventh day, but Jews rest on Saturday, their sabbath. Christians (are meant to) rest on Sundays. EDIT: I believe that Sunday is the Sabbath, which would explain why Latino Cathloics start their week on monday, just as God did... Now Christians and Catholics celebrate the sabbath on Sunday, and Jews on Saturday, so it depends on how you interpret it, but I feel Sunday is the seventh day... EDIT: Sunday may seem like the seventh day. But if you really think about it, our calender is different from the Jewish calender and our calender states that Saturday is the seventh day, so the fourth commandment may be stating to the day of Saturday as the seventh day. Sunday, even thought Saturday is the 7th day, technically

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What day was December seventh 1941?

It was a Sunday and the day of the Pearl Harbour bombings.

What is the seventh Sunday after Easter Sunday?

Trinity Sunday in the Western Church. All Saints in the Eastern Church.

What day is the sabbathday?

The seventh day of the week aka last day starting with sunday endding with saturday

What day was October seventh 2012?

October 7th, 2012 fell on a Sunday.

What day of the week is seventh November 1965?

7th November 1965 was a Sunday.

What day of the week was October seventh 1984?

October 7th 1984 was a Sunday.

What day of the week was the seventh of February 1965?

7th of February 1965 was a Sunday.

Who made Sunday the day of worship?

the lord it says and on the seventh day he restANSWER 2It was the Christian church that designated Sunday as the day of worship, so that it wouldn't be confused with the Jewish sabbath of Saturday. In Judaism, which preceded Christianity, Genesis' seventh day of rest was Saturday.

What day of the week did seventh January 1990 fall on?

7th January 1990 was a Sunday.