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Yes, and it stays put because the force of the Earth's gravity is stronger than the velocity that air molecules gain from temperature increases. Only the lightest molecules (hydrogen and helium) are lost to space again.

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Q: Is The earth's atmosphere held down to the surface by gravity?
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What happens to objects that enter the earths atmosphere?

the objects which enter the earths atmosphere are being pulled down towards the earths surface due to the earths gravity. And so it leads to falling falling of large objects from the space on the surface of the earth.

Where does gravity pull people and objects?

Gravity pulls people and objects towards the center of the Earth. It is a force that acts to draw things with mass together.

Why air pressure from earths atmosphere is not the cause of gravity?

Gravity is an entirely separate entity which is a consequence only of the mass of the earth itself. In fact, the atmosphere presses down because gravity is pulling on it.

On earths surface how much force does the pull of gravity have on 1 kilogram of mass?

9.8 newtons, down

When you push UP on an object when object is stationary on earths surface you increase your weight when you push DOWN on an object when object is stationary on earths surface you decrease your weight?

When you push up on an object, you are applying an additional force that is opposing gravity, increasing the total force acting on the object, including your weight. When you push down on an object, you are applying a force that opposes gravity and counteracts part of the force of gravity acting on the object, hence reducing the effective weight felt by the object.

What would happen if the space station stop moving sideways?

Earth's Gravity would pull it straight down to the Earths Surface.

What would happen to the International Space Station if it were not moving sideways?

Earth's Gravity would pull it straight down to earths surface.

How does air help shape the Earth?

the wind causes erosion, carrying the soil to any place on earth, dropping it onto any surface, thus controlling the earth's surface.

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How does wind and water alter the Earths surface?

Wind and water and frozen water are the main contributors to the weathering and erosion of the surface of the Earth. Along with gravity, these agents wear down elevated surface features and fill in depressed surface features.

How does gravity affect an object in motion?

Gravity affects an object in motion by pulling it towards the center of the Earth, causing it to accelerate downward. This acceleration can counteract other forces acting on the object, changing its velocity and trajectory. Gravity also affects the weight of the object, increasing it when moving against gravity and decreasing it when moving with gravity.

Why doesn't gravity flatten the atmosphere against Earth's surface?

The atmosphere does experience the force of gravity, but the air molecules are constantly moving and exerting pressure in all directions. This pressure is what keeps the atmosphere from being flattened against the Earth's surface. Additionally, the Earth's gravitational force is not strong enough to overcome the constant motion of the air molecules within the atmosphere.