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Q: Is Thebes in Greece or Egypt?
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Who is the most important leader of Thebes?

Which Thebes, Greece or Egypt

Where is Thebes located?

One in Egypt, one in Greece.

What does the word Thebes mean?

Thebes is the name of two ancient cities, one in Egypt, and one in Greece.

Where is Thebes in Greece?

Near Luxor.,+Qina,+Egypt&ll=25.7,32.5833&spn=0.017866,0.03768&t=h&z=15

What did Ancient Thebes in Greece trade?

Im pretty sure it traded with either Egypt or the Myceneans.

What year was Thebes made capital of Egypt?

Thebes was made capital of Egypt in 1200 BC

Why was thebes important to ancient Egypt?

Thebes held many of ancient egypt's tombs. It was also one of the few cities in Egypt that were in upper egypt

How many miles are between Memphis Egypt and Thebes Egypt?

Distance from Memphis, Egypt to Thebes, Egypt is 299,46 miles (481,93 Km)

What is Thebes famous for?

Thebes in Egypt is famous because it was the capitol of Ancient Egypt during the New Kingdom. Thebes in Greece is famous because it was a major power during the period of the city-states. It was a major rival of Athens, sided with the Persians during Xerxes' invasion of Greece in 480 BC, and ended the power of Sparta at the Battle of Leuctra in 371 BC. Thebes was conquered and destroyed as a power by Phillip II of Macedon and his son, Alexander the Great, in 335 BC after their elite military group, the Sacred Band of Thebes, was destroyed in 338 BC.

Why is thebes importint?

it is in egypt

What was the the old capital of Egypt?

ancient Egypt was divided into upper and lower Egypt, their capitals were Thebes and Memphis

When was thebes built?

Thebes (in Egypt) was built around 3500 B.C.