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Q: Is Tunisia 3 hours behind or ahead England in time?
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Spain is not behind England. Spain is an hour ahead of England.

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Dunkirk is in the French time zone - It is one hour ahead of England.

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Greece is two hours ahead of the UK.

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Western Australia for example is 9 hours ahead of England (GMT)

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Thailand is 6 hours ahead of England.

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England is 8 hours ahead of Canada example: England's time 5pm at the same time Canada's time 9am. There's a difference of 8 hours.

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Buenos Aires, Argentina is 5 hours ahead of Oregon.

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England is at (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT. New Zealand is (Greenwich Mean Time) GMT +12 hours, ie. 12 hours ahead of Greenwich, England. England is 12 hours behind New Zealand. (Daylight savings not taken into account.)

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England is 2½ hours ahead of Newfoundland for part of the year.

How many hours are you away from Greenwich time?

Countries to the West of England (America etc.) are behind Greenwich Mean Time and Countries to the East are ahead. An example is France is approx. 1hr ahead of England time wise, and America is 5hr behind.