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Q: Is Urinary hesitancy the same as urinary retention?
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Is there any difference between urinary calculi and urinary stone?

Urinary stones or urinary calculi mean the same. But the more refined term is urinary calculi.

Are the urinary bladder and gallbladder the same structure?

No, the urinary bladder adn gallbladder are two different things.

What is the function of the urinary system for kids?

The urinary system has the same functions in kids as it does in adults. The urinary system is designed to remove toxins from the body. The only difference from adults is that in adult males, parts of the urinary system also play a role in reproduction.

Is the urinary and bladder and gallbladder are same structures?


Is the urinary bladder and the bladder the same thing?


Do the male and female have the same urinary system?

surprisingly, no. You see, males have different body parts, so obviously they don't have the same urinary systems as us females.

What you call the urinary opening for girls?

The urinary opening is called the same thing no matter what your gender. The urethra is the tube that connects to the outside of the body.

How is a frog's urinary system similar to humans?

it has the same organs as a human. also it has the same functions as the human urinary system. but i wouldn't rely on this too much cause honestly I'm not sure...

Is the stomach superior or inferior to the urinary bladder?

The stomach is superior to the urinary bladder. If you place your hand on your "belly" close to your heart, your hand is about level to the stomach. You should be aware of where the badder is now as it is below that.

Is a horses urinary system the same as a humans?

Other than size and orientation (horses walk horizonatally and humans are up right), the basic structure and function of nearly all mammals urinary system is the same. A lot of medications used in humans urinary problems are used in mamals and vice versa.

Is the bladder a part of the digestive system?

The urethra is part of the urinary system. In females and males, the urethra carries urine from the bladder out of the body through the urinary meatus. In males, the urethra also carries ejaculate out of the body.

What is the same about ureters and urethra?

They convey urine from the kidneys and are part of the urinary system in excretion.