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Veteran's Day is now always observed on November 11, regardless of the day of the week. Congress changed the date of the holiday to the fourth Monday in October in 1968, but the date was changed back to November 11 in 1978. Congress originally declared November 11 a federal holiday in 1938, and the name of the holiday was changed from Armistice Day to Veterans Day in 1954.

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Q: Is Veterans Day alway observed on the same day of the week?
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Is Veterans day always observed on the same day of the week?

No it does not always fall on a Tuesday. Veterans Day is always the 11th of November in the US and Canada. There was an attempt to change it to the 4th Monday, but that failed due to the historical significance of the 11th.i like veterans day because my dad is one and its also my birthday!

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Christmas, New Year's Day, Independence Day, and Veterans Day are all observed on whatever days of the week on which their calendar dates fall.

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Veterans Day is observed on November 11 of each year by formal ceremonies at the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery, and by parades and speeches in many other places in the US.

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November 11 is Veterans Day. But any day during the week is appreciated.

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The 11th of November in 1991, Veterans Day, was on a Monday.

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What day of the week is Veterans Day celebrating on?

Veterans Day is on whatever day of the week that is November 11.

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How does this memorial honor the veterans that fought in this war?

If you are referring to Washington D.C. AKA daily geography week 23, i believe it is :Vietnam Veterans Memorial

When is the right time to honor your veterans?

every day of the week (in your own way) the National day for Veterans is November 11th. God bless everyone of them!!!