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The expiration date is the last date on which the manufacturer is willing to guarantee that it is good. After that date, it may or may not be good (for that matter, it's possible for it to go bad BEFORE the expiration date, though this is not terribly likely).

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How long is tessalon good after expiration date?

It's not! Medications are given expiration dates based on how long they have been proven to contain the active ingredient at a certain percentage. Although many medications simply become less effective past the expiration date, there are several medications that may become toxic and dangerous once past the expiration date. Therefore, all medications should be disposed of after their expiration date. Acually over the counter meds, among many others usually do stay good longer than the expiration date. Google the fda military study which will give you good information

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I have some that is year over date, and it works fine.

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Depends on your definition of good. It isn't harmful but the taste deteriorates over time and the manufacturer has determined you get the best flavor if it's eaten before the expiration date. If it's only a month or two past the date I'd probably try it and see how it tastes. If it's two years past, I'd pitch it.

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It weaken over time. After 20 years it will be like water.

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Can over the counter pregnancy test be wrong?

If the test kit was stored wrong, reached it's expiration date or used incorrectly it is possible the test results will be wrong. If the box appears to be in good condition, the kit hasn't expired (check expiration date printed on box) and follow the directions exactly for best results.

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If the gum has perservatives, it can last a while after the ED

Why does hand sanitizer have an expiration date?

Hand sanitizer may become less effective over time as the alcohol content can evaporate or degrade, reducing its ability to kill germs. An expiration date helps ensure that the product is still safe and effective to use. It is always recommended to check the expiration date before using hand sanitizer.