

Is Zeus Jehovah

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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Zeus is the mythical leader of the Greek gods of Mount Olympus. Jehovah is the proper name of the God of Israel in the Hebrew Bible. They are not the same.

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Q: Is Zeus Jehovah
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Who does Zeus compare to a person today?

Zeus is immortal, and I know of know real-life immortals so there's no living person whom can be compared with the likes of Zeus. Unless you believe in God, Allah, Jehovah, etc.

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The god of heavens was Zeus, the all-powerful god of the Greek dieties. Along with Zeus was his immortal wife, Hera. I hope this answer helps :)

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In Greek mythology There is told to be no more gods with more power of Zeus because of the term "Zeus the God of the Gods" so because of that there is no one in Greek mythology with the power stronger than Zeus But in some ways Poseidon and Zeus in a battle it would be close and if Poseidon Gets Zeus to the water Poseidon would be the winner because of Poseidon's Strength

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No that is they name of a greek god in mythology..] The name of the true God is Jehovah.... Says that in the bible book of Psalms 83:18

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Is it Zeus' or Zeus'?

The answer is Zeus'.

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There is no "Book of Jehovah"