

Is Zeus the god of love sea war or commerce?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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11y ago

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zues is the god of commerce.

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Q: Is Zeus the god of love sea war or commerce?
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Is Poseidon god of gods?

No, Zeus is. Poseidon is god of the sea

What are five greek gods?

# Zeus god of the sky and the king of the gods. # Poseidon god of the sea and creator of horses. AKA "Earth Shaker" or "Storm Bringer". # Hermes god of thieves, travellers and commerce. # Aphrodite goddess of love, beauty and lust. # Ares god of war and bloodshed. Hope that helps!

What are some of the greek gods?

Zeus the god of the Sky and lightning, Poseidon the god of the Sea and Horses and Hades the god of the Underworld hera zeus's wife and queen of the gods aphrodite god of buety and love artemis god of hunt and animals

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Zeus of LightningHades of the UnderworldPoseidon of the Sea and HorsesAresApolloDionysusHermesHephaestus^^you forgot aphrodite. goddess of love. :)

Name a Greek god?

One god is poseidon god of the sea Zeus god of gods. Cronos father of Hades,Poseidon & Zeus

Who is called father of commerce?

Poseidon. He is called this because he is the god of the sea. The sea was used for trading, which was important to commerce.

Was Poseidon a kind god?

Poseidon was the god of the sea and Zeus' brother but he just ruled the sea.

Which Greek god is the younger brother of the god of the sea?

It is Zeus. Greek god of sea Poseidon had two brothers - Zeus and Hades. The Hades was the oldest brother while Poseidon was the middle brother and Zeus was the youngest of three brothers.

What is sacred about Poseidon the greek god?

He was the brother of Zeus and Hades and he was the God of the sea.

How did Zeus become the leader of the greek gods?

After the Titan War; Zeus and Poseidon tricked Hades into becoming god of the underworld; Zeus then became god of the Heaven and Poseidon king god of the Sea.

Who is Brother to Zeus and ruler of the seas?

Zeus has two older brothers; Hades (God of the Underworld) and Poseidon (God of the sea). Zeus is the youngest of six children.

How would you describe Poseidon?

Poseidon is the brother of Zeus. Zeus is the god of the sky and the king of all gods. Poseidon is the god of the water and earthquakes, he is a very powerful god. He and eleven other gods are the twelve main gods even though there are many other gods.