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Q: Is a 3rd degree felony a state jail felony?
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3rd degree felony. In the state of Texas it is punishable by up to 1 year in county jail or 5 years state jail....

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How much time can you get for a 3rd degree felony?

A person can get between 6 and 15 years of jail time for a class b drug felony. There is no probation awarded for this class of felony.

Can you own a firearm with a 3rd degree felony in Florida?

Not in Flordia, nor in any other state.

How many years for a third degree felony?

The sentence for a 3rd degree felony varies from state to state. The length of prison time, will depend on the crime, whether a plea agreement is arranged and prior criminal history.

If you are charged with a 3rd degree felony theft charge what do you plee to get no jail time?

Try to have them take it down to a misdemeanor, but best advice is to speak to a lawyer.

What type of felony is a habitual driving in Florida?

3rd degree felony

Is a conviction for a fourth DUI conviction is a felony of the 3rd degree?

It depends on what state you live in. In most states, a DUI will become a felony upon multiple offenses.

Is a possession of a weapon for an unlawful purpose 3rd degree a felony or misdemeanor?


How long for Menacing in the second and third degree?

The sentence for menacing in the 2nd and 3rd degree varies by state. The sentence of menacing in the 2nd and 3rd degree could be some jail time, a fine, or probation.

How much time do you get for a Violation of probation with a 3rd degree felony?

It is all up to the judge that originally sentenced you. It is possible that You could be sentenced to spend the remainder of your sentence in jail.

Is 3rd degree assault a felony in Colorado?

it a misdemeanor