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no such thing as perfect! id have to say that's very thin! my friend is 13, 5'1" (shortie) and 90 pounds, and shes a stick! that weight certainly DOES not require weight loss at all!

but it depends on your build, still, that's quite thin in my perspective!

I definitely think it is underweight, I am 13 years old and weigh 48kgs, I don't know what that is in pounds, I am 1.66cms tall but I also don't know what that is in feet. But I'm sure pounds is about double kgs so I would be around 96pounds. Most of my friends weigh alot more than that also so I would assume it is underweight.

she is underweight. but it depends on how tall you are. she's 5'4 i am 5'5 and i am 166. i am overwieght but being 83lbs is dangerous to her health.

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15y ago

At 5'4'', the avergae weight is about 115-130 lbs. Your BMI (Body Mass Index) at 143 lbs. is 25.5. That is still considered to be in the "average" weight category, but 25-30 is considered to be "overweight".

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12y ago

Im 13 years old (female)

I'm 5"5 and I'm not fat or over weight at all. I'm tall and skinny. My body evens me out. But with bigger girls they have most of the weight near their hips or their shoulders

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15y ago

Of course not im 5'2 i am 12 years old way 96 lbs and are the 3rd lightest in my homeroom because the 1st and second are short!!!!!!!!!!!! people call me anerexic and im not i hope ur not in my school cuz u would have been made fun of so no u are not over weight until u weigh more than 125lbs for your height

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13y ago

Yes. You are very much so overweight. Then again, your body mass index could show this. To sit if you are physically capable, I suggest you look to your fitness gram exams in your school's gym class. If you can run a healthy amount of laps, stretch, do a healthy range of pushups and curlups, you are physically capable. If not, I'd look to a solution to solve this issue.

^ to who ever said that, you're not completely over-weight. I'm the same actually but I work out everyday with my dog and do several sports over the year, and eat right. It's not easy to change your body mass, especially at a young age. just stay fit, and healthy and you'll be fine.

I'd just like to add that I'm about 5'6-5'7, and I'm 145. I'm 14. I'm not fat at all. No, I'm not one of those teenie tiny people, however, I'm definitely not overweight, you can even ask my doctor. Some girls who are 5'6 might be a little lighter because of their build, but I'm not big boned and I'm your weight. As for being physically capable, I can't do many completely proper push-ups, and I've never been able to do a curl-up, but that's doesn't necessarily mean you aren't fit. No, you might not be super athletic, but as long as you can run a few good laps like mentioned above, or go on a long walk, etc. without being terribley winded, you should be fine... Not everyone can be in perfect shape.

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13y ago

It might be considered underweight, but you have to factor in height, frame size, and how active you are, too. That's why it's best to ask a doctor if you're underweight or not - they'll tell you if you need to gain/maintain weight.

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14y ago

no its not overweight. you have a bmi of 24.6 which is classed as normal weight :) x

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15y ago

well i am 5ft 5 1/2 inch and i am 9 stone 4 pounds [about 131 pounds] and i am only a year older so i would say you are perfect hope it helped

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15y ago

I would say it's underweight actually -

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Q: Is a 5' 4 130 pound 13-year-old overweight?
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