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Q: Is a 6 0n the Richter scale double the force of a 5 on same scale?
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Is a seismograph the same thing as the Richter scale?


Are the Richter scale and the beaufort scale the same thing?

A Richter scale used to express the energy released by an earthquake A Beaufort scale is used to derermine the sthrenth of wind.

What is the difference between the Richter scale with the moment of magnitude scale?

well nothing. they are the same

Is there a scale for the severity of the tsunami?

The scale for a Tsunami is a Richter Scale. The Richter Scale is a scale that measures earthquakes, and Tsunamis are normally made by earthquakes. But be careful, because Tsunamis are normally formed by 6.5's or greater on the Richter Scale. -I hope I helped Actually, the Richter Scale is invalid, and we do not use it any more. The scale we use today is the MMS, or Moment Magnitude Scale. In the MMS, every point up the scale (Which goes from 1-10), multiplies it's magnitude by 30.

Are earth quakes all the same?

No - they are all different; they are measured on the Richter Scale.

Are all the earthquakes in the world measured the same way?

All earthquakes are measured on either the Richter scale or the Mercalli scale.

What scale is described for damage in an earthquake?

Technically, you can't tell damage from the Richter Scale, because the Richter Scale rating of an earthquake stays the same no mater how far out you go from the epicenter. The scale that measures the damage of an earthquake (meaning the scale rating gets lower the further you go from the epicenter) is called the Mercalli Scale. The Mercalli Scale goes from II to XII (2 to 12) and the rating on the Mercalli Scale in which damage starts to occur is about 6. However, if you are going by the Richter Scale, damage at the epicenter would start at about 5.0

What scale helps you determine the magnitude of an earthquake?

There are two instruments, which are basically the same thing. There is the seismograph , and a more specific tool measures the waves on what is called the Richter scale. Earthquakes are given a number from one to ten, ten being the strongest. The strongest earthquake that their ever was, was measured a 9.3.

How does a seismograph and Richter scale work to determine?

I relly don't Know but the thing that I know thet seismograph and richer scale is the same meaning so please check it and write it THANKS

When you stand at the rest on a bathroom scale how does your weight compare with the support force by the scale?

The support force of your scale is the same as your weight, but in an upward direction. If that were not so, the scale would be deformed (dented in) under your weight.

When you stand at rest on a bathroom scale how does your weight compare with the support force by the scale?

The support force of your scale is the same as your weight, but in an upward direction. If that were not so, the scale would be deformed (dented in) under your weight.

What scale is the instrument that is used to record primary secondary and surface waves of an earthquake?

The Richter Magnitude Scale. The magnitude is a base-10 logarithmic scale obtained by calculating the logarithm of the amplitude of waves measured by a seismograph. An earthquake that measures 5.0 on the Richter scale has a shaking amplitude 10 times larger and corresponds to an energy release of approximately 31.6 times greater than one that measures 4.0 The same applies comparing a 4.0 to a 3.0, a 6.0 to a 5.0, and so on.