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Q: Is a Beehive is a mass structure?
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Is a beehive a shell structure?

A beehive is either or!

Is a beehive frame or shell structure?

A beehive is either or!

What is beehive huts?

A beehive is an enclosed structure in which some species of honey bees live and raise their young, or a manmade structure in which bees are reared for their honey.

What is the definition of a mass structure?

Mass structure can be make by piling up or forming similar materials into a particular shape or design. There are two kinds of mass structures the natural mass structure and manufactured mass structure.

Why is the beehive in wellington called beehive?

Because it looks like a beehive....

Apiculture is the study of what?

Apiculture is the study of rearing of bees in a structure called beehive

Why is a basketball not constructed as a mass structure?

A basketball is not a mass structure because it is not made up of piled up materials. For instance, a brick wall is a mass structure. A basketball is actually a shell structure.

Is the word beehive a collective noun?

The noun 'beehive' is used as a collective noun in the term 'a beehive of activity'.

What is the beehive in Wellington?

The Beehive is actually the Home of the New Zealand Parliament. It is named the beehive as it resembles one.

What is structural Efficiency?

Structural Efficiency= Maximum Mass Supported _______________________ (Divided By) Mass of Structure

What is the name of bee house?


How is a mass structure made?

it means a whole bunch of materials piled up. a brick wall is a mass structure so is a sand castle.