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Q: Is a Korea period veteran eligible for VA medical benefits even if not in combat?
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Who has received the Combat Action Badge?

Anyone who is fired upon and/or returns fire. Specifically, as the citation reads, 'engages or is engaged by the enemy.' Those eligible for the Combat Infantry Badge or the Combat Medical Badge are ineligible.

Can I legally harass a disabled combat veteran?

Of course not! Harassment of anybody, veteran or not, is a criminal activity.

What is a us military serviceman who served in a combat zone?

A US military serviceman who has served in a combat zone is commonly referred to as a combat veteran. They have experienced active combat operations and have been exposed to the dangers and challenges of warfare.

Is someone who served in Vietnam and Desert Storm considered a combat veteran?

That depends on where you were and what you were doing. If you received any awards specifically for combat service, you certainly are considered a combat veteran. If you were assigned to units that went into combat, that will also establish it. Your DD-214 should actually reflect time in combat.

Must you serve in war time to qualify as a veteran?

NO. Anyone who has worn a military uniform in service to their nation, war or peace, is a veteran.

If you were in the military during 2001 does that make you a war veteran?

If you served in a combat zone yes. If not, you are a war era veteran.

Can Combat Engineers be issued Combat Infantry Badges?

No. You must actually hold an 11 series (Infantry) Primary MOS while in a combat zone to be awarded a CIB. Combat Engineers get awarded the CAB (Combat Action Badge) for instances of direct contact with the enemy. The only engineers eligible for the CIB are those who hold the 18C - Special Forces Engineer Sergeant - MOS; all Special Forces personnel, with the exception of medical personnel, are eligible for the CIB.

How can you become a veteran?

The most common usage is for former armed services personnel. A veteran is one who has served in the armed forces, especially one who has served in combat. It is especially applied to those who served for an entire career, usually of 20 years or more, but may be applied for someone who has only served one tour of duty. A common misconception is that one had to have either been in combat and/or has retired from active duty to be called a military veteran. Short answer: complete a tour of military service.

Why would someone become a veteran?

You don't really choose to become a veteran, per se. The most common usage of the word is for former armed services personnel. A veteran is one who has served in the armed forces, especially one who has served in combat. It is especially applied to those who served for an entire career, usually of 20 years or more, but may be applied for someone who has only served one tour of duty. A common misconception is that one had to have either been in combat and/or has retired from active duty to be called a military veteran. There are many benefits to being a veteran, ranging from access to veterans organizations, such as the VFW, to veterans discounts, to many VA benefits, such as reduced or free tuition at universities, home loans, etc.

What can be done to stop harassment of a disabled combat veteran about his combat related disability?

Disable those who are harassing the vet.

What is the definition of a combat veteran?

Someone who has been in combat--a soldier or other member of the military who has had an enemy actively trying to kill him or her.

When do solders become veterans?

The dictionary has several definitions for "Veteran" from (1) an old soldier of long service to (2) a former member of the armed forces. My opinion is a Veteran is a former soldiers who was in combat or in times of war. Of course many people who serve in the military do not to to war or even support the combat troops such as supply. Many soldiers served the country during peace time. They are considered veterans and have right to all the benefits the government provides, such as medical care and college GI Bill. When? I guess the day the soldier is honorably discharged from service.