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No license fee is not a direct cost for production of product.

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Q: Is a Licensing Fee used to develop a product a direct cost?
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Is direct labor a product cost or period cost?

Direct labor is a product cost because without labor no product can be produce and it has direct relation with production of goods.

Is Direct Material a product cost?

Yes direct material is a product cost as without material no product can be manufactured.

Is direct material used a product cost?

Yes direct material is part of product cost and included in calculating the product price.

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Direct cost is cost of product while direct costing is the process which study or accounts the direct cost allocation to products.

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direct cost has direct relation with product manufacturing while indirect cost not and not identifiable with cost as well.

Is direct labor product cost or period cost?

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Is direct labor a variable cost or product cost?

Direct labor is variable cost as well as product cost but for variable cost it must vary with the change in production level otherwise it will be fixed cost.

What are the 3 Factors that will affect the classification of a cost as direct or indirect?

A direct cost must be traceable directly to the product. Indirect cost can't be traced to a specific product such as electricity.

Is direct labor cost a period cost?

Direct labor is a product cost as it is required to manufacture the units of product, Direct Labor may be a period cost in that period where there is no production but management still paying the labor all salaries and wages.

Direct cost of sales?

Direct cost of sales are those costs that exists as a result of selling the product. Indirect costs are costs that are there whether the product sells or not.

What is direct material cost?

This is the cost of materials which become part of the finished product.