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Mahaleo rubies are rubies that have been altered. They are "real rubies" that have cracks, fissures, etc and are "fixed" with molten glass. Buyer beware... Just remember that you do truly "get what you pay for!"

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Q: Is a Mahaleo ruby mined in Africa worth more than an ruby mined in India?
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In tsunami of 2004 what did help people get?

A man named Bill Gates set up a fund worth over 29 Billion dollars to help many charity Projects in India and Africa.

Place worth seeing in Mumbai?

Mumbai. All of it. Goto:

Why did king Ferdinand and queen Isabella help give money to Amerigo Vespucci?

Columbus thought he could reach India by going west. He ran into America. India was the place where spices came (come) from and they were expensive. A fast trade route to India was seen as very much worth the price of three boats and crew.

How did silver get into the earth?

Silver is mined through a series of mines known as an open cut mine, a shaft mine, and a panning. Silver (Ag) is a precious metal used in jewelry and cutlery. It is extracted from copper & lead ores. These ores are first crushed and then smelted .......

Are chatham rubies worth much?

I've inheirited a large quantity of Chatham Rubies. Not knowing if they were real or not , I decided to send a bunch out for appraisal. All but one came back without an appraisal because the only place in North America that can appraise stones larger than 15 carats is G.I.A. in New York City. The one stone that was appraised was a 14.4 carat Emerald cut that came back at $5,500.00 retail appraisal. So to answer the question, "YES" they are worth quite a bit. _______________________________________ To the above, and as well as this question. Chatham and Corundum diffused gems (Sapphire & Rubies) are infact 100% real, and the most pure gems you can get. They are perfect in the sense that they have no imperfections. Gems made by Chatham diffusion are the height of purity as well as clarity and quality. They are synthetic, but by no means fake. As such, the jewelry industry will try to tell you these gems are fake and that they are worth less because they know they can make thousands of dollars off mined gems which are of lower quality. For this reason, synthetic gems, though better looking and higher quality, are worth less. For example, a 1ct diamond might be worth say, 1000$, but a 1ct synthetic diamond would only be worth 100$ Chatham and Corundum diffused gems (Ruby & Sapphire as both of these gems are the same mineral [Corundum] ) aren't worth much, depending on the weight though they could be worth a few hundred to a few thousand dollars.

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