

Is a Sociopath always a bad person?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: Is a Sociopath always a bad person?
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How do you tell someone they are a sociopath?

"You are a sociopath." However, if they truly are, it won't matter to that person.

What do you call a person that is killed in a murder?

A sociopath.

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Because good always takes a person up and bad always takes a person down

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Apathy? Sociopath?

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sociopath ---- Misanthrope.

Could a sociopath and a bad person be in love?

Am assuming you know a sociopath is someone with mental disturbance or instability and as far as a 'bad' person is concerned: perhaps you mean a criminal or just ill-mannered person; these two are people of different personalities and characteristics. If at all they sort of find comfort in each others arms, it is possible but it may be headed for the rocks because when worse comes to worse, if it does, none of them is capable of handling the situation with a noble mind.

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Unfortunately, it seems (as of currently) he will always be the antagonist of Naruto, but that doesn't necessarily mean that he's a bad person... [forever.]

Why do you want to kill bad people. which psychological disease would it be a symptom for. ex. sociopath. fyi i do feel emotion there for i am not a sociopath. bad is for example rapist or murderers?

Everyone wants to kill bad people sometimes. Especially if they watch a lot of Dexter.

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Criminal sociopath.