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No the atom bomb is not more powerful then the H-bomb

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Q: Is a atom bomb more powerful than a h-bomb?
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What weapon was first tested in 1952?

The hydrogen bomb was first tested in 1952 by the United States in a test known as "Ivy Mike." This bomb utilized nuclear fusion to release a significantly more powerful explosion compared to atomic bombs.

What weapon made them more powerful in world war 2?

The Atom Bomb

Is the atom bomb and the hydrogen bomb the same thing?

No. Atomic bombs use fission, hydrogen bombs use fusion (and are more powerful)

Is the atom bomb and a nuke the same?

Yes, atom bomb and nuke are commonly used terms to refer to nuclear weapons that release destructive energy by splitting atoms in a process called nuclear fission. In general, "nuke" is a more colloquial term while "atom bomb" is more formal.

What bomb is more powerful than the atomic bomb?

The hydrogen bomb, thought to be 10 times the power of the atom bomb. Well, the atmoic bomb doesn't utilize fusion and therefore is not as powerful as the gay bomb.BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH

Which is most powerful the hydrogen bomb the atom bomb or the uranium bomb?

The 'uranium bomb' is an A-bomb and is a first generation nuclear weapon. The hydrogen bomb or H-bomb is a 2nd generation nuclear weapon and generally many times more powerful. 'H-bomb' can also refer to 3rd generation nuclear weapons that have an additional mass off uranium to provide further fuel, triggered by the 2nd generation fusion reaction; these are the most powerful. But recent studies show that the H-Bomb has more mass, therefore more energy, and therefore has more energy. So the H-bomb is more powerful.

Are atom bombs THE most dangerous bombs?

All bombs are dangerous, but the atom bomb is certainly one of the most devastating. The only type of bomb thus far created that is more powerful than an atom bomb is a hydrogen bomb, which is the type of nuclear bomb that uses fusion instead of just fission. The Tsar Bomba, which is the single most powerful deviceever used, let alone bomb, is an example of a hydrogen bomb. Its yield was rated at a staggering 56 megatons of force. I've added a link below if you'd like more information.

Is the hydrogen bomb is more destructive than the atom bomb and why?

Yes, the hydrogen bomb is more destructive than the atom bomb. This is because it relies on nuclear fusion, which releases much more energy than nuclear fission, the process used in atomic bombs. The sheer power of the hydrogen bomb makes it capable of causing significantly greater devastation.

Is an bomb or a nuclear weapon more powerful?

If by "bomb" you mean a conventional explosive weapon, then the nuclear weapon is more powerful.

Why is a hydrogen bomb more devestating than an atomic bomb?

More powerful explosion.

What is more powerful than a bullet?

A bomb is more powerful than a bullet its obvious

atomic bomb?

much more powerful than other bomb ,also called a neuclear bomb