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Q: Is a banana slug a primary consumers or secondary consumers?
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Is a slug primary consumers?

A primary consumer is an animal that eat plant material . Most of slugs eat plant material hence they are primary consumer .Meat eaters are called secondary consumers .

Where can people find banana slug websites?

You can find banana slug websites at

Is a lobster a primary consumer or secondary?

Depends on the slug. If it eats plants, it's a primary consumer. If it eats animals (some slugs eat other molluscs or other small animals) it's a secondary or even tertiary consumer. The chain goes like this: plants are producers, animals that eat plants are primary (first) consumers, animals that eat those animals are secondary (second) consumers, and so on.

Can you safely eat a banana slug?


Why is the banana slug yellow?

banana slugs are yellow because they are poisonous.

What is the team macot for the university of California santa cruz?

The mascot for U.C.S.C. is the banana Slug. The banana slug is a native slug that populates Santa Cruz mountains. It is large and yellow to green.

What is a advantage of a banana slug?

its got slime

What is the latin word for banana slug?

The Latin word for banana slug depends on which of the three species you're talking about:Ariolimax californicusAriolimax columbianusAriolimax dolichophallus

What do you call an Asian lady with no legs?

A banana slug

How are banana slug and millipede alike?

Because they both

What does a first level consumer eats?

Do you mean primary consumer? They may eat rodents, insects, plants etc. Let me give you an example Cabbage ---> slug -----> Bird (Producer) (Primary Consumer) (Secondary Consumer)

How long is a banana slug?

It depends on the species. The Pacific banana slug is the second-largest species of terrestrial slug - growing up to 25cm (9.8 in) long - and weighs up to 115 grams (4.1 ounces). The largest slug species is the European species Limax cinereoniger, which can reach 30 cm (12 in) in length !