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No - males don't start producing sperm until puberty (Usually around 11-13 years old) and continue producing it their entire lives. ---- No, as the male child develops, his testicles gain the ability to produce semen. Sperm is found in semen. Some people I know, who have matured quickly, started producing sperm at 9. Everyone's different.

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Q: Is a boy born with all of its sperm?
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How does a boy become adoloscent?

When a boy becomes an adolescent, he has to be at least 13 years of age, and reach puberty.

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Do people have sperm at birth?

Baby boys Are born with a set amount of sperm CELLS ; they do not actually MATURE into sperm until the boy reaches puberty but the Cells are there in his body at birth

Is any danger to a 14years old boy after marriage by take out sperm?

No, not at all.

Are women born with their eggs?

yes. men are not born with all their sperm.

Are you more likely to have a boy if the father's family are all boys?

It is the sperm that fertilizes the egg that will determine the sex of your baby. Some sperm carry the X-chromosome and some sperm carry the Y-chromosome. If an X-chromosome-carrying sperm fertilizes the egg, the baby will be a girl. If a Y-chromosome-carrying sperm fertilizes the egg, the baby will be a boy.

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Yes there could be Sperm in Backstreet Boy Stomach They seem like Cocksukers.

How can you get sperm?

Sperm is produced in the testicles once the boy has started puberty.

Does black boy sperm taste better then white boys?

There is no difference between sperm/semen of white boy and black boy just as there is no difference in their blood.

Can you get pregnant if a boy nut in you?

it depends becuz i no this girl that had a boy that nutted in her and she didnt get pregnant so it all depends on your hormones and if the sperm find the egg

Is producing sperm now and then in the age of 16 harmful to the boy?

No, not at all harmful and perfectly natural and healthy.

Pregnancy in left ovary is boy or girl baby?

The sex of a baby is not determined by which ovary the egg was released from. The father's sperm is the determining factor. All eggs are X chromosomes and if the sperm is a X as well you will have a girl, if it is a Y then expect a little boy.