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Is a boycott a trade barrier that taxes an import from another coutry?

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Q: Is a boycott a trsde barrier that taxes an import from another country?
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Is boycott a trade barrier that taxes an import from another country?

No that's a tariff

What is the definition of import export?

Import is when you buy something from another country and get it shipped to you. Export is when you sell something to another country and it then ship it

What is the difference between import and export?

An import is something our country wants, and pays another country to ship in. An export is something another country wants, and pays our country to ship out.

What does import exports mean?

import are things sent to that country exports are things sent to another country

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How do you define import?

An import is the trade that a country takes in from other countries, where areas are an export is the trade that a country would trade from their country to another country.

Does China wal marts import from China?

no Import: to bring in from another country. No-they are already there!

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What is a product that is brought to another country called?



To bring goods from another country for sale or use

What does it mean import?

the transport of goods from another country normally to be sold in the country they arrive in

Is government import standards a trade barrier?

yes it is a non tariff barrier of trade.