

Is a brick difficult to compress?

Updated: 9/26/2023
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Q: Is a brick difficult to compress?
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Can you compress a gas because its particles are close together?

No. You can compress a gas because the particles are NOT close together. If they are close together (as in a solid) it is extremely difficult to compress any further.

Which state of matter cannot be compressed?

Solids and liquids are difficult compress. Gases, however, are easy; they respond to changes in temperature and volume.

Why are liquids difficult to compress?

Liquids are difficult to compress because of their molecules. Since their molecules are already tightly packed together, they cannot be compressed much more. Doing so can only slightly alter their volume.

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Is a liquid difficult to compress or force into a smaller space?

Yes, liquids are hard to compress. That's what makes hydraulics so useful when it comes to the transfer of force. Hydraulics can lift thousands of pounds with minimal effort.

Why is it so difficult to compress an atom into a smaller volume despite its empty nature?

It is difficult to compress atoms into smaller volume because of the electromagnetic repulsion that would occur as they got too close. Some solids do have enough free space in between their atoms to be compressed some.

Can window shutters be installed on brick homes?

Shutters can be installed on brick homes, but it is more difficult than on siding or mortar. Window shutters can indeed be installed on a brick home,professional installation will be needed.

What kind of wall texture is the most difficult to paint on?

There are several different types of wall texture that can make it difficult to paint on, particularly walls that are not flat. Wallpapered or brick walls can be difficult.

What does it mean that the shape and volume of a solid are fixed?

atoms in solids are arranged in a fixed pattern's it is very difficult to compress them and change their shapes

What is a '40x40' brick in centimetres square?

It is not possible to answer the question without information about the measurement units used for 40x40. And it is difficult to guess because a 40 inch x 40 inch brick would be huge whereas a 40 millimetre x 40 millimetre brick would be tiny.

How do you spell compress and compress?

you have spelt it correctly