

Best Answer

While a trip to your dentist is the ultimate solution for a permanent tooth solution, I do know of one really good solution to help fix a gap or hole in your smile to complete the look of your smile (if your missing tooth is noticeable). Go to It is an at home, low cost temporary tooth replacement alternative, that allows you to make your own realistic tooth to fill in a gap and match your smile. They have lots of before and after photos to give you an idea of what it can do. The website is Good luck

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Q: Is a bridge necessary for one missing tooth?
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What will happen if a cavity in one of your upper teeth goes beyond the root canal stage?

The tooth would be pulled and you'll need a type of bridge if the tooth missing is near the front. I had one of my upper teeth (next to the eye tooth) taken out and now have a bridge there and you can't tell the difference. It's not cheap!

In what situations would one need the services of restorative dentistry?

One would need restorative dentistry to fix a tooth that is damaged or to replace a tooth that is missing. A dentist could use a crown or a bridge to fix these issues.

Does it hurt when your getting a tooth bridge procedure?

No, it doesn't hurt at all. It's a long process but it'll be worth it. Just choose between one day of the procedure or have a missing tooth all your life.

What are dental bridges?

If you have one or more missing teeth, a dental bridge can fill the gap with one or more artificial (false) teeth. A bridge is typically made of crowns on either side of the missing tooth or teeth supporting the pontic (false tooth) and is cemented in place. The four main types of bridges are:- • Traditional fixed bridge: This bridge is the most common. It has two or more crowns and a filler tooth or teeth that are all connected. The crowns keep the bridge in place. Traditional bridges are made of metal, porcelain fused to metal, or ceramics. • Cantilever bridge: In this bridge type, the pontic connects to only one abutment tooth. This can sometimes be an option for people who have teeth on only one side of the gap. • Maryland dental bridge (resin-bonded bridge): You may have this type of bridge if you have missing front teeth. It’s made of porcelain fused to metal or ceramic teeth, supported by a framework. Wings on each side of the bridge bond to your existing teeth. • Implant supported bridge: This bridge is similar to a “traditional fixed bridge” but instead of being cemented in place to teeth, it is held in place by implants.

Did captain Arthur Phillip have a tooth missing?

Yes, Captain Arthur Phillip did have a tooth missing it was one of his front teeth! There is no documentation to support whether or not Captain Arthur Phillip had a tooth missing.

How much money does a dental bridge cost?

It depends on how big the bridge is and what it is made out of. A bridge with three teeth in it made out of non-precious metal can cost around $400. A six or seven unit zirconia bridge can cost as much as $2500.

What is a bridge in dentistry?

A bridge is a prosthetic device to replace one or more teeth. It usually uses crowns supported by teeth or implants adjacent to the empty space to support the missing tooth in a fixed way. There are many different bridges designs and applications

Dental Maryland bridge cost?

One of my incisors was taken out, and I opted for Maryland bridge to restore the missing tooth. I was quoted $3,000 by my dentist, out of which hopefully my insurance may pick up $1,000. I have heard cheaper cases ranging from $1,500 to $2,500.

How expensive is a single dental implant compared to the cost of a one tooth bridge?

A single dental implant can become quite costly compared to a one-tooth bridge. With the dental implant, you are required to have surgery to do the actual implant of the post. With the bridge, all you need is an x-ray.

What smiley should be used if want Bucktoothed Vampire with one tooth missing?


I have a 3 tooth permanent bridge and the porcelain has cracked off of one of the teeth. There is nothing wrong with the bridge and no cavity in the tooth. Can it be fixed without removing the bridge and rebuilding a new one ?

There are several small business owner grants available,you can search and apply for grants online,www.texasonline.state.tx

Your molar tooth has an abscess and it should be extracted because on that side your wisdom tooth is pushing beside the abscessed tooth Is an implant or bridge better?

You can only put a bridge on if there is a tooth on each side to support it. Therefore, a bridge cannot replace a wisdom tooth, because it's the last one on the dental arch. If you keep your wisdom tooth and you need to extract the molar right before, then you can replace that molar with a bridge. In any other case, an implant would be a better treatment. Thornhill Dentist