

Is a brown bear a prey or a preator?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Is a brown bear a prey or a preator?
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Larger dogs and birds of prey.

What is the preator pray relationship?

the prey is food for the predator for example an eagle is the predator and a snake can be the prey.

How can a brown bear and a squirrel be interspecific competition and have a predatory prey relationship?

The brown bear and squrriel can have competition over nuts and berries and the such, but also the bear can be the predator and the squirrel be the prey.

What is the brown bear's prey?

Brown bears in Russia prey on elk, deer, moose, and wild boar.

Can a brown bear kill a mouse?

Yes, and they do prey on moose sometimes.

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Siberian tigers and brown bears occasionally prey on asian black bears. Leopards are known to prey on asian black bear cubs.

Is a black bear prey to a brown bear?

Yes. Brown bears, like Grizzly Bears especially, often kill and eat adult or young black bears whenever they meet each other.

What is a preator?

judicial majestie

Why is it important for polar bear to camouflage?

The prey cannot see the Polar bear approaching, it gives them the element of surprise, If the bears were black or brown like their counterparts, animals that they hunt would spot them a mile off

How does covering its brown nose with its paw help the polar bear adapt to live in the Arctic?

It helps the polar bear to stay hidden from predators as its paw is white. It may also help in camouflaging the polar bear as it catches prey. When the polar bear covers its brown nose, it looks exactly like the snow and ice surrounding it.

How does the Brown Bear and a seagull benefit?

Brown Bears and Seagulls don't have any kind of relationship what so ever. But the seagull does benifit from the Brown Bear because when the bear eats its prey, it leaves the remains left for other scavengers to eat it. Take a fish for example, when the Brown Bear is done with its meal, it leaves what is left for the seagull to eat, like fish. This is an example of Commensalism because one benefits from the other without being harmed.

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A Baboons prey is a polar bear