

Is a canary winged parakeet also a budgie?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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No! It's a distant relative!

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Q: Is a canary winged parakeet also a budgie?
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What does a parakeet symbolize in a dream?

There is no universal, specific symbolic significance to a parakeet. Also, the word "parakeet" is often misused when the bird in question is a budgerigar, or budgie. The dream might have a specific personal meaning to the individual dreamer, that would differ from anyone else having a dream of a little pet bird.

Can a budgie be albino?

yes a budgie can be albino. you can also get a lutino budgie which is yellow with red eyes

Is a parakeet also known as a budgerigar?

The term "parakeet" is a generalised term to cover numerous species of smaller, long-tailed parrots. Usually, it is applied to the budgerigar, or budgie, a small native Australian parrot.The word tends to be used in countries outside of the birds' native lands. For example, the term "parakeet" is never used in Australia to refer to budgies, lorikeets or cockatiels, yet these birds are commonly known as "parakeets" overseas.

What is a parakeet also known as?

The term "parakeet" is a generalised term to cover numerous species of smaller, long-tailed parrots. Usually, it is applied to the budgerigar, or budgie, a small native Australian parrot.The word tends to be used in countries outside of the birds' native lands. For example, the term "parakeet" is never used in Australia to refer to budgies, lorikeets or cockatiels, yet these birds are commonly known as "parakeets" overseas.

What is the Maori name for parakeet?

Parakeet is kākāriki which can also mean green

How do you tell if a parakeet is a girl?

It's often really difficult to tell the sex of your parakeet or budgie. They are only sexually dimorphic on their cere. The cere is the fleshy part just above their beak. It is the area of skin around their nostrils. The remaining areas of a budgie body, whether male or female are too similar, often identical, to be able to tell the difference in gender. However, if your budgie is younger than twelve months, then it may be impossible to visually identify whether it's gender is male or a female. If that is the case, then you will have to take your budgie to an avian veterinarian to be surgically sexed. To determine parakeet gender yourself, take a look at the cere. In normal variety males the cere will be blue or purplish. If your budgie is recessive pied, fallow, lacewing, lutino, or dark-eyed clear then the cere will be bright purple or ping. All female budgie varieties develop a white, tan, or brown cere. The brown ceres tend to be flaky and thick. Some experts also agree that there are some behavior differences between budgie sexes. While this isn't scientific evidence that they're either a male or a female it can help in the parakeet gender identification process. Behavior differences include: Male Parakeets: -Head bobbing -More Singing -More Active and Social Female Parakeets: -Bossy -Louder -Don't generally sing I hope this was helpful :)

How much do blue parakeets eat?

The same as any other color of parakeet. Large millet seeds, canary seeds and small sunflower seeds. Also, vegies and cuttlebone for calcium. You can find the right mix for them in any pet store.

Is it normal for a parekeet to have red eyes?

This is normal, it just means that you have a LUTINO parakeet or an ALBINO parakeet. All LUTINO and ALBINO parakeets have red eyes, because they have have a large absence of melanin pigment, which is completely normal. Also, if your parakeet is white it is an ALBINO parakeet, but if you parakeet is mainly yellow it would be a LUTINO parakeet!

Is there a difference between budgies and parakeets?

Baby parakeets are tiny and have very little feathers and are not ready to be adopted into a family unless the family has a lot of bird experience. The parakeet you probably want to adopt is a fledgling, which is kind of like a teenager. Fledgling parakeets have larger heads. Adult parakeets have thicker feathers. Adult parakeets have longer tails. Adult parakeets are larger. Fledgling parakeets have stripes on their whole head extending down to their eyes. The less stripes on its head the older it is. Fledgling parakeets have black eyes and as they usually get older they get a white circle around their eyes.

How do you spell parakeet?

There is only one way in English, "parakeet" (some also referred to as budgies).The term comes from the Spanish periquito.

How many species of Parakeets are found in India?

At least one species, the rose ringed parakeet, also known as the ring necked parakeet. There is also a subspecies in Africa.

What happens if the parakeet is not fertilised?

well, actually nothing. Your parakeet may also lay eggs but, the eggs AREN'T going to hatch. :(