

Is a candle burns chemical reaction?

Updated: 10/1/2021
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6y ago

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Yes, burning a candle is a chemical reaction. The easiest way to tell if something is a chemical reaction is if heat or light are given of, a new substance is formed, or a colour change happens. Chemical changes are irreversible.
Yes, whenever a candle burns, it is a combustion reaction between the carbon compounds of the wick and wax of the candle and of oxygen in the air. These compounds burn to create carbon dioxide and water, and also a few smaller carbon compounds, which is evident as the smoke rising occasionally from the flame. The flame you see and the heat you feel rising off of the burning wick is the evidence of an exothermic chemical reaction.
Yes, burning a candle is a chemical reaction. The easiest way to tell if something is a chemical reaction is if heat or light are given of, a new substance is formed, or a colour change happens. Chemical changes are irreversible.

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Candida Spencer

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What is the chemical reaction when you burn a candle?

Burning a candle involves a combustion reaction where the wax (hydrocarbons) in the candle reacts with oxygen in the air to produce carbon dioxide, water vapor, heat, and light. The heat melts the wax, which is then drawn up the wick and vaporized by the heat from the flame, where it reacts with oxygen to sustain the combustion process.

Where does a chemical reaction occur on a candle?

A chemical reaction occurs at the flame of a candle, specifically in the combustion of hydrocarbons in the wax. Heat causes the wax to vaporize and mix with oxygen in the air, leading to a chemical reaction that releases energy in the form of heat and light.

What happens to a candle when it's lit?

When a candle is lit, the heat from the flame melts the wax near the wick, turning it into liquid. This liquid wax is drawn up the wick by capillary action, where it vaporizes and burns in the flame. The heat and light produced by the burning wax sustains the flame until the wax is consumed.

What physical and chemical changes occur when a wax candle burn?

Some wax burns, and as it does so, chemical changes occurs. Wax converts to CO2, CO, and H2O. That is an exothermic reaction The rest of the wax melts with the increased temperature. That is the physical change.

As a candle burns it gets shorter and shorter describe a chemical change that explain this?

The burning of the candle is a chemical change called combustion. During combustion, the wax in the candle reacts with oxygen in the air to form carbon dioxide and water vapor. This chemical reaction releases heat and light energy, causing the candle to melt and be consumed, resulting in it getting shorter.

When the wick burns and the candle melts is it a chemical or physical change?

it is a chemical change

What form of energy is being used as a candle burns?

Chemical energy is being converted into heat and light energy as a candle burns. The chemical energy stored in the wax molecules is released as heat and light when the wax undergoes combustion.

What chemicals react when a candle burns?

The candle burn is an oxydation reaction; organic compounds are burned with oxygen.

when a candle is lit it undergoes a chemical change?

That is correct, a candle (or the material of which it is composed, which is usually paraffin) undergoes a chemical change when it burns.

Equation for the combustion reaction of a candle?

The combustion reaction of a candle can be represented by the equation: C25H52 + 38O2 → 25CO2 + 26H2O. This equation shows the burning of the paraffin wax (C25H52) in the presence of oxygen (O2) to produce carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O) as the main products of combustion.

When a black soot formed as a candle burns is it a chemical change?

Yes. That is a chemical change.