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Yes, they are wild animals

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Q: Is a chameleon a wild animal or not?
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What type of animal is a chameleon?

A chameleon is a carnivore.

What would be the quietest animal between a chameleon a bunny and a turtle?

a chameleon

How does a chameleon get water?

it gets it out of leaves in the wild

What animal is good at camouflaging?


What is the name of an animal that camofloges?

The name of the animal that camouflages is chameleon.

Which animal eyes can focus on two different direction?

the animal you are thinking of is called a chameleon (com-eel-yan) they live mostly in the rain forest but they can also be kept as pets if you provide them with their needs.

What type of animal is a lizzard?

Um technically a Chameleon is a lizard and is an animal

Does chameleon camouflage help the animals?

Nope because the animals get hungry and if the chameleon camouflages it will make the animal starve. But it helps the chameleon survive.

Which animal can chage color?

Simple. The chameleon.

Which animal has wiggle eye?

a chameleon... sort of

What animal can you unscrammble from these letters neomelach?


Which animal sees double the size of the object?

The chameleon is the type of animal that see twice the size of the object. This is because the chameleon has compound eyes.